chassis reinforcement, heavy duty, Sprinter (2006 - ..) Semi

(set) VB-Airsuspension

chassis reinforcement, heavy duty, Sprinter (2006 - ..) Semi
chassis reinforcement, heavy duty, Sprinter (2006 - ..) Semi
chassis reinforcement, heavy duty, Sprinter (2006 - ..) Semi
chassis reinforcement, heavy duty, Sprinter (2006 - ..) Semi
165,00 *Prices include VAT
Manufacturer VB-Airsuspension
Article code02129906039
0 star(s) in 0 review(s) Write a review
Chassis reinforcement NCV3 3,5t.
SPECIAL ORDER ** Out of stock
This chassis reinforcement is recommended for continuously heavily loaded vehicles (between 80% and 100% of the payload) and for use on poor road surfaces.

Application with 3.5 t and 4.0 t versions of the Sprinter, specifically for VB-SemiAir auxiliary air suspension.

Product information
  • supplier: VB-Airsuspension
  • supplier article number: 1552350016
  • barcode (EAN):
  • delivery including body kit
  •  own weight: approx


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