lock plate, 1958, outer plate black, generation 2

(per stuk) HEOSolution

lock plate, 1958, outer plate black, generation 2
19,95 *Prices include VAT
Manufacturer HEOSolution
Article code999911179
0 star(s) in 0 review(s) Write a review
Loose outer plate to replace the standard white outer plate of the 1958 lock. In this way you can adjust the color of the built-in HEOSolution lock to the exterior color of your motorhome, caravan or commercial vehicle.

Product information
  • supplier: HEOSolution
  • article number supplier:
  • barcode (EAN): 120132
  • generation 2
  •  mounting level: average
  •  packaging: blister
  •  own weight: 0.107 Kg.


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Features and Specifications

Brand HEOSolution
Color Black

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